World Neighbors Badge

Note: finishing this badge also completes one of the requirements for the Sign of the Rainbow

1. Global Games.
Play one new game from another country.
( We did this at the Ardmore Y Cookie Rally)

2. Love of Languages
Choose two languages other than your own. For each of them, learn to say "hello," "goodbye," "thank you," "you're welcome," and learn to count to ten.
(Done at troop meeting)

3. Solve it together.
Think of 5 problems that might occur when people who are different live or work together. Talk about or act out solutions.
(Done at troop meeting)

4. One Big Family.
Make a "Human Family" collage
(Done at troop meeting)

5. Clothing All Over the World.
Find out about typical or traditional clothing worn by girls and women in several different countries.
(Done at troop meeting)

6. Paper Cranes for World Peace.
Learn about the symbolism of origami paper cranes, and try making some. See links below.
( Done at troop meeting)


Make-up Activity (For those who missed one of the meetings where we did one of the above requirements):
A Small World.




    Paper Cranes
    The Sadako Peace Project
    Hiroshima International School: How to Fold a Paper Crane


If you have missed any of these activities, you can do them at home or choose another activity from
World Neighbors
Celebrating People
Global Awareness.



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