Art in 3-D
(see pages 132-133 in Badge Book)

1. Make origami cranes, and use as decoration in event celebrating world friendship

2. Mold useful or decorative object from clay or other modeling material

3. Look up 3-D art of famous artists, and try the 3-D medium used by one you admire

4. Create an abstract sculpture including negative as well as positive space in your design

5. Learn woodcarving techniques and make a wood carving

6. Find at least 5 examples of three dimensional art in your community

7. Create a piece of art in 3-D that represents your heritage

8. Visit an Art Therapy class

9. Find out about mobiles and stabiles and create one

10. Create a 3-D design with wire




Super Sculpey clay

Sadako and the 1000 Paper Cranes

1000 Cranes for Peace at American Friends Service Committee in Philadelphia

How to fold a paper crane

About Art Therapy

HG-TV Metal and Wire projects

Alexander Calder site

Rodin Museum

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art

Philadelphia Public Art


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